Saturday, September 28, 2013

life of age 18

Few months gone.. feeling older day by day.. experience lots of new things in my life. But me no likey =[
For education,
just successfully passed my semester one,although i don't know how i did that like serious i can stupidly passed my math =]feeling 得意. And now beginning of semester two. You see how time flies?

For relationship,
I know alot of my long time no see friends will always ask me 你还在一起吗?or the most common one 你分了没有?surprisingly our relationship is getting stable now less argue,  可以准备结婚生子了ner.. haha! feeling blessed

For friendship
好朋友就是好朋友,虽然少见,可是感情依然没变...feeling lucky

For financial
Last time i always thought that money is not important, but after i went to college i realized its somehow important and not enough to spend. Feeling poor

