Thursday, September 8, 2011


we're having pj period today....but we CHINESE always stayed in class..
unfortunately...a SO HI came in our class..and OH SHIT we caught by our PJ teacher ..he show us HIs VERy SHit face and asked us to go down
WE doesnt want to see his SHIT face so we just obey what he said...
went down and let the head of pj teacher scold...Oh~you have voice like toad...
he asked to walked padang as our great was it
he asked us to stopped after we finished our 10 round...= =
HI teacher your SO SO HIGH!

really have to thx to you....
at least now i know...
How fresh the air was
HOw big our school field was
How muddy the field was
How nice we spend time walking together
How dirty my shoe was if i stepped on the field
How to avoid me from fishing in class
thats why i didnt fall asleep today=D
between..this is my very 3rd time this year to stepped the field..
LOL...hello im lazy!

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